Abrillantadora de cubiertos

Vilo Polisher presents its automatic model of dryer and cutlery polisher that dries, polishes and removes lime residues from cutlery after washing.

The cutlery should be introduced grouped, continuously, through the upper opening immediately after leaving the dishwasher. Once inside the machine, the cutlery come in contact with a vegetable granulate and begin to make a circuit accompanied by a constant vibration. They go through a germicidal lamp of ultraviolet rays that make the granules and cutlery are continuously sterilized.

It incorporates a hot air turbine that finishes the drying and to avoid the exit to the outside of any rest; This turbine maintains the temperature of the granulate and keeps it always dry.

It has a folding tray that collects cutlery and facilitates the normal operation of the machine.

Maximum hygiene, speed and safety when drying your cutlery. Quality and constant brightness in your cutlery. 3,000 or 7,000 covered per hour with total efficiency.


· The machine is made of stainless steel.
· Economy: savings in personnel costs and rapid return on investment.
· Speed: 10.000 pieces/hour
· The germicidal UV lamp sterilizes the polishing granulate.

Máquina desengrasante VILO TANK

máquina desengrasante vilo tank


La máquina desengrasante más poderosa del Mercado

Nuestra máquina desengrasante VILO TANK consta de un depósito de acero inoxidable que llenamos de agua. Este depósito calienta el agua a alta temperatura, donde disolvemos nuestro detergente VILO GRAS, especialmente diseñado para la máquina desengrasante.

La disolución del detergente VILO GRAS en el agua, junto con las altas temperaturas de lavado, consigue eliminar la grasa, la suciedad más incrustada y el carbón que se origina en el menaje y accesorios de tu cocina y hornos.

Nuestro detergente VILO GRAS, de fabricación propia, tiene un aroma perfumado que neutraliza cualquier olor desagradable y está homologado con la certificación de sanidad español.

Cómo funciona:

1. Coloca los utensilios en el tanque VILO Tank.
2. Espera el tiempo recomendado.
3. Retira los utensilios del tanque y acláralos con agua limpia.


· Ahorro en personal. 
· Ahorro en agua y productos de limpieza. 
· Ahorro en tiempo.
· Alarga la vida útil de tus utensilios.  
· Elimina la suciedad de los rincones más “difíciles” de limpiar.  
· Mejora la higiene y el aspecto de tu cocina. 

Beneficios para tu personal

· Tu personal podrá dedicarse a tareas más productivas.
· Reduce considerablemente la carga de trabajo diaria.
· Agiliza el trabajo y ayuda a subsanar el déficit de personal.
· Funciona las 24h del día, 365 días del año.



Beneficios para la seguridad y la salud

· Nuestro producto no es tóxico ni corrosivo. 
· Reduce el uso de productos químicos peligrosos.
·  A prueba de manipulaciones (reduce el riesgo de quemaduras).
· Ofrecemos formación en el manejo y, sobre todo, en la seguridad para los empleados.
· Balance del PH.
· Mejora tu relación con el medio ambiente.

Nuestros modelos de VILO Tank disponen de resistencias de cerámica de última generación y de bajo consumo.

Vilotank - Máquina desengrasan

Vilo Glass Shiner

Tumble dryer and polisher built in stainless steel. Once the washing is done, the cups are placed on the synthetic cotton bristles that dry and polish at the same time.

In this way dry the cups with specially designed brushes that absorb water from them, accompanied by a stream of hot air. These brushes adapt to different sizes of glasses, such as wine, water, long drink glasses or sparkling wines. For proper drying, the cups should be clean and with traces of grease at the time of using this equipment.

The only consumption that uses are the interchangeable brushes, avoiding all type of chemical products or alcohol to polish.

Abrillantadora de cubiertos

Vilo Polisher presents its automatic model of dryer and cutlery polisher that dries, polishes and removes lime residues from cutlery after washing.

The cutlery should be introduced grouped, continuously, through the upper opening immediately after leaving the dishwasher. Once inside the machine, the cutlery come in contact with a vegetable granulate and begin to make a circuit accompanied by a constant vibration. They go through a germicidal lamp of ultraviolet rays that make the granules and cutlery are continuously sterilized.

It incorporates a hot air turbine that finishes the drying and to avoid the exit to the outside of any rest; This turbine maintains the temperature of the granulate and keeps it always dry.

It has a folding tray that collects cutlery and facilitates the normal operation of the machine.

Maximum hygiene, speed and safety when drying your cutlery. Quality and constant brightness in your cutlery. 3,000 or 7,000 covered per hour with total efficiency.


· The machine is made of stainless steel.
· Economy: savings in personnel costs and rapid return on investment.
· Speed: 10.000 pieces/hour
· The germicidal UV lamp sterilizes the polishing granulate.


The BIO-DECANTER grease separators are designed for installation in the kitchens of bars and restaurants, giving the solution to the space problems that these facilities usually have.

BIO-DECANTER is a compact and small size equipment suitable for installation under the sink.

Grease separators are pre-treatment equipment for gray water from industrial kitchens.

Its function is to retain vegetable or animal fats, solid elements, soaps and other elements contained in the waste water of kitchen sinks before being discharged to the subsequent purification equipment or to the sewerage network. The use of grease separators is required to treat the water coming from the kitchens of bars, restaurants, hotels, campsites, etc.

All our BIO-DECANTER, come with sampling.

BIO-DECANTER manufactured in stainless steel and specially designed for installation in kitchens of bars and restaurants. Its small dimensions and its design facilitate cleaning and maintenance work thanks to the solid waste collection basket and the drain that the separators have built-in.

BIO-DECANTER provides control sheets to keep track of grease collection.

Vilo, commercializes the BIO-DECANTER with two modalities; 1 sale of the equipment with maintenance and collection of grease and solid elements and environmental management or only sale. 2 rentals, maintenance, collection of grease and solid elements and environmental management, of such waste, choose the one that best suits your business.

Our BIO-DECANTER take advantage of the principle of gravity combined with time and design, for the retention of fat.

Standards and dimensions according to UNE EN-1825 standards, to facilitate the flotation of fats on the surface of the separator and its subsequent elimination.


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